Marketing properly is a skill that will directly impact your bottom line.

Effective marketing (whether you do it yourself or hire someone to help) can offer limitless financial growth potential for your chiropractic practice, thus is an…

Welcome to your billing and coding weekly solutions by H.J.Ross Company where getting your bills paid is what we do best!

Do you have a marketing plan for your chiropractic practice?

Marketing is an important way to build a relationship with your future chiropractic patients.

Through marketing you are introducing people to who you are and how you practice.

Marketing properly is a skill that will directly impact your bottom line.

Effective marketing (whether you do it yourself or hire someone to help) can offer limitless financial growth potential for your chiropractic practice, thus is an investment worth making.

5 effective ways to market your chiropractic practice include:
1. Develop your chiropractic practice website and/or landing page.
2. Create weekly blogs & vlogs (video blogs).
3. Social Media marketing (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, etc).
4. Invest in search-engine optimization (SEO).
5. Set up a patient referral program

Marketing is not a one-time deal; it is an ongoing and consistent process to establish and maintain trust.

H.J. Ross Company understands billing with incorrect chiropractic CPT codes can lead to claim rejections and delays in payments, which can have a devastating impact on generating revenue and keeping you in business. 

If you are experiencing insurance claim denial, staff spending too much time trying to get claims paid, and patients asking why their claims have not been paid then H. J. Ross Company is your solution.

H.J. Ross Company stays ahead of the curve on the latest trends and changes in billing and coding by utilizing their direct channel of communication with the insurance companies and organizations that set the guidelines.

There is a reason chiropractors have trusted H. J. Ross Company with their business for over 40 years.