It’s official: California workers’ compensation has a new Medical-Legal Fee Schedule (MLFS). These new fees and codes took effect on April 1, 2021. This will affect all QME’s of course, but also a provider who is providing a report for a disputed medical fact.

There is a complete change to the codes and fees. For example, a missed appointment is now coded with ML200 and has a value of $503.75. A standard comprehensive medical-legal exam is now coded as an ML201 and valued at $2015

The updates are substantially different from the prior codes and allowed rates and now are higher. The new codes are now including missed appointments, comprehensive medical-legal exams, follow-up and subsequent medical-legal exams, medical-legal testimony, Sub Rosa Recording (video) review, and record review.

Network members, please reach out to Sam for the full details.

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Samuel Collins
HJ Ross Chiropractic
AAC Acupuncture
Insurance Information Networks


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