When was your last post? Posting consistently helps you stay…

Is your social media engagement helping with your chiropractic practice’s growth?

4 key factors that could be affecting your social media engagement include:

1 – When was your last post? Posting consistently helps you stay in the mind of your audience.

2 – Are you ignoring engagement? Respond to comments or messages to engage with your audience and build relationships.

3 – What are you promoting? Offer a variety of content with valuable and engaging information that provides value to your audience.

4 – Are you using #hashtags? Hashtags increase your reach and visibility on social media and expand your opportunities to be discovered by new potential chiropractic patients.

With some effort and dedication you can harness the power of social media and make it work for you!

And remember, H. J. Ross Company is the expert with over 40 years of experience in dealing with a wide range of chiropractic billing issues.